Who we are

Smiling woman with long blonde hair wearing a leather jacket

Dr. Angel Wunder

Chiropractor, Massage Therapist

Dr. Wunder attended Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas, Texas. It’s an intense program and one that prepared her for a career in chiropractic and wellness.

Parker Chiropractic College is one of the United States best schools. Angel Wunder graduated in September of 2000 with one of the quickest internship completion times in the school’s history, giving her an advantage over her peers. She was asked to participate in a preceptorship before obtaining her state license at a practice in Dallas. It was at this Dallas practice that she was introduced to low level LASER technology. While a student, she was selected by her sorority members at Parker to join a group of top students to travel to Peru and participate in the making of a chiropractic documentary. While there, she visited many communities and gave her time and skills to people who needed care.

In early 2001, The Texas State Board of Chiropractic sent a letter out stating that all LASER therapy was outside the scope of practice for chiropractors. Dr. Wunder was called to a meeting at the state capitol where she fought for the rights for all chiropractors to include low level LASER therapy in their practices. Three months later, the Texas State Board released a letter announcing that the bylaws were changed; the scope of practice for chiropractors in Texas now includes low level LASER therapy.

Dr. Wunder moved to Washington in 2001, where her practice, Wunderful Health, continues to grow. Patients travel from all over the United States and Europe to receive treatments from Dr. Wunder. She also became a spokesperson for Laser Therapeutics Inc., appearing on national Canadian television, demonstrating the LASER technology and serving as an expert in the field.