Lipo Laser Plus

A Safe, Inexpensive Way to Remove Fat and Cellulite


Lipo Laser Plus uses a low-level medical grade laser. No heat, no cutting, no cauterizing, no bruising or swelling, no damage to other tissue, and no need for bandages or special garments to wear. It can be used on any part of the body. It is painless and comfortable for the patient with no side effects.

 How does Lipo Laser Plus Work?

Lipo Laser emits several laser beams into the targeted areas of fat and cellulite to increase metabolism at that site. Then, Lipo Laser tightens the dermis via natural collagen production. Cellular perforation expels the contents of the adipocyte or fat cell. The expelled content is then carried away by the lymphatic system of the body and eliminated by normal means.

Body sculpting laser machine with red light paddles and touchscreen display
Person measuring waist with a yellow tape measure

Cold Laser Therapy reduces healing duration 75%.

The injured tissues are stronger than if they had not been exposed to LLLT.